
Here's why GM is giving Marchionne the cold shoulder

What's funny about an Automotive News story titled Why Won't GM Play Ball with Marchionne? is that few people outside of the Fiat CEO and his confidants understands why General Motors would play ball with the Italian company. Marchionne has said the combined entity could increase its annual earnings by $5 billion, but even an outside analyst that agreed with the number only conditionally agreed, saying, "If you assume some synergies and peak US cycle market conditions then, yes, they could get to 30 billion."

However, that same analyst described Fiat Chrysler Automobiles as "probably the most challenged within the global industry." Not US industry – global. And before that revenue goal could be reached, the merged companies would need to wade through a bureaucratic swamp. Plus the executive, manufacturing, financial, platform, procurement, and international labor swamps, among a few others.

This AN piece can be viewed as GM's response to Marchionne's assertions and offers of various "hugs." It lays out numerous reasons why a more focused and disciplined GM - one almost done with a major crisis and able to focus on its priorities - believes Fiat would be the desperate housewife in such a scenario. On the other hand, while AN doesn't have Marchionne's numbers, to get a better sense of where the Italian is coming from you should read more of the "Industry on Trial" special report. Not that it justifies the creation of a GM-FCA, but it shows that the capital expenditures considering the amount of automaker development overlap are, to the outside eye, staggering.

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