
Apple exec says cars are the 'ultimate mobile device'

With the booming popularity over the past decade of devices like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, Apple has positioned itself among the world leaders in mobile technology. The company's new watch might extend that lead even further, but an executive at the tech giant has another idea for the ultimate evolution of this portable work: the car.

Senior vice president of operations Jeff Williams recently dropped one of the biggest hints yet about Apple's highly rumored entry into the auto industry. "The car is the ultimate mobile device, isn't it?" he said, according to Reuters. "We explore all kinds of categories. We'll certainly continue to look at those, and evaluate where we can make a huge difference." This tantalizing clue came after Williams was asked during a technology conference how Apple might spend its billions in cash. However, he also clarified that the company's CarPlay operating system was the limit of the automotive work at the moment.

Rumors have been raging for weeks about the possibility of an Apple car since the first stories popped up of 200 people working on the so-called Project Titan. Although nothing is officially known about the purportedly electric vehicle, yet. The company is reportedly targeting 2020 for production, and the model could look like a small minivan in the style of a Fiat 600 Multipla. Apple might also use a contract partner for assembly, rather than setting up its own dedicated factory.

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