V8 Supercar champ in Australia wants kids to learn to drive at age 12. How about you? [w/poll]

Albert Einstein has commonly been quoted as saying that stupidity (or insanity, depending on your source) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Which begs the question, with over 100 years of traffic enforcement behind us, why are we still relying on the same methods of catch and punish to modify driver behavior? If it hasn't worked over the last century, chances are it won't work over the next. But Australian V8 Supercar champ Jamie Whincup has come up with a zany idea that just might cut down on his country's driving death toll – education.

In a move likely to draw some knee-jerk guffaws, Whincup is calling for driver's education to begin at 12 years-old. The tweens in question wouldn't actually be behind the wheel, but would begin to receive lessons on the components of a car, the effect of drugs and alcohol on your ability to operate a vehicle and the consequences of excess speed. We're not entirely sure the average pre-teen is going to be able to wrangle enough synapses away from Hanna Montana to make a difference, but we're all for improved driver education as a means of improving road safety.

Have a look at the story below, then chime in with your own opinion by taking our poll and leaving your thoughts in Comments.

[Source: Drive | Image: Matchbox]

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