Autoblog takes on Gratiot: Imports, odds, and ends

Click the image above to view high-resolution photos of the Gratiot Cruise imports

There just isn't a whole lot of import metal in most Michigan classic car events, but luckily for us, there was a BMW dealer right in the middle of the Gratiot cruise. The dealer and its employees brought out their most souped-up Mini's, which outdid anything from Bavaria. There were a couple early 90's M-Series also and a 2002 that was very sharp. One of the most breath-taking vehicles on display at the event was the Porsche pictured above (more pictures of the Porsche are in the gallery). Talk about perfection.

To attract anywhere near the foot-traffic of the bigger Woodward show, the Gratiot cruise also has an annual talent competition, lots of great bands, and even a large machine gun. We snapped a few photos to give you an idea what the event was like. The high-resolution pictures are located directly below. Enjoy!

All photos Copyright ©2007 Chris Shunk / Weblogs, Inc.

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