5 Articles
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers in peril over Toyota recalls?

After Dave Chappelle threw himself overboard the USS Hollywood, he did an interview in which he said, "When a person tells you something's... just business, that means some ice-cold [stuff] might be about" to happen. We can imagine that Toyota, doing everything it can to make its case better in the eyes of the American government and public, called its fellow members of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers to let them know "Don't take what w

Ex-Chrysler media man Vines named head of P.R. at... Christian publishing house?

Former Chrysler PR chief Jason Vines has had more than his fair share of jobs over the years. He's had automotive gigs at Chrysler, Ford and Nissan, he's worked as a stand-up comedian, he spent time at Compuware and he even spent time at the food rescue program Forgotten Harvest. We've even spotted Vines (seen here at left, with comedian David Spade) regularly hanging with John McElroy on Autoline After Hours.

Survey: Ford's image gets a boost by nixing federal aid

In what has to be one of the least surprising developments related to the auto industry, a newly-released survey finds that Americans' favorable view of Ford Motor Company has increased substantially since it became the sole member of the Detroit Three to abstain from taking federal funds.