60 Articles
Halloween provides teachable moments for self-driving cars

Costumes Test Ability Of Google's Autonomous Software In Discerning Odd Shapes

Do self-driving cars get spooked by vampires? That's one of the questions Google set out to answer over the past weekend when dozens of trick-or-treaters visited the company's Mountain View, California headquarters.

Pedestrian roadway deaths flat in 2014, progress slow

The Governors Highway Safety Association has released an analysis of preliminary pedestrian fatality traffic data for the first six months of 2014. The study indicates deaths for the year are likely be be about the same as 2013, indicating slow progress with pedestrian safety efforts.

Parents Angry After Motorist Who Ran Over 3-Year-Old Has Tickets Dismissed

Girl's family has filed a wrongful death suit over the tragedy

A Queens, New York couple is furious after the driver who ran over and killed their three-year-old daughter last year had the two citations stemming from the incident dismissed by a judge in July. The family only recently learned about the lack of punishment in their little girl's death.

Halloween Is A Scary Day To Be On The Road

October 31 is one of the worst days for pedestrian deaths, car thefts and reports of vandalism

Halloween is consistently one of the worst holidays to be on the street. October 31 sees a huge share of pedestrian deaths, car thefts and car vandalism.

Seattle Ranked Safest City In America For Pedestrians

More than 108,000 Seattleites safely commute on foot or by public transportation each day

A recent study by Liberty Mutual Insurance found Seattle to be the safest city in America for pedestrians. The Emerald City has 108,000 residents traveling by foot or bike everyday, and less than ten pedestrian deaths each year. While a crunchy west coast city topping the list isn't overly shocking, the rest of the safest cities may surprise you.

New York's 'Rule Of Two' Lets Deadly Drivers Off Without Charges

Motorist must be breaking at least two traffic laws when they kill a pedestrian to be charged with a crime

A New York State precedent known as the "rule of two" stipulates a driver must commit two traffic misdemeanors when the pedestrian or cyclist is struck for prosecutors to bring a charge of criminal negligence.

Watch your step if you're a pedestrian in Orlando, America's least-safe city for walking

In fact, watch your step if you're in Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami or Memphis. Those are the top five cities as ranked by the Pedestrian Danger Index (PDI), a measure developed in the 1990s and used in this instance by the National Complete Streets Coalition (NCSC) in its annual Dangerous by Design study on where its unsafe to walk and why. Compiling data for the decade from 2003 to 2012 on the 47,025 pedestrian fatalities and 676,000 pedestrian injuries, the NCSC pegs the national PDI av

New York Focuses On Rising Pedestrian Deaths

Big Apple is 1 of 3 U.S. cities to receive federal grant money Friday

For the past two weeks, New Yorkers have marveled at the sights of the latest concept cars and production vehicles at the annual New York Auto Show. As the show winds into its final weekend, they're turning their attention back toward the darker side of driving.

Advocacy Group Will Monitor Every Traffic Death In NYC

Right of Way holding Mayor de Blasio to his promise of eliminating all fatalities

Right of Way, an advocacy group in New York City, is holding new mayor Bill de Blasio to his promise of eliminating all traffic fatalities in the city by 2024. The group is tracking every single death that occurs on city roads in the coming year. The organization calls the effort the "Vision Zero Clock."

A Dangerous Day To Be Walking Outside

More pedestrians are killed on Dec. 23 than any other date on the calendar

More pedestrians have been killed on December 23 in traffic accidents than on any other day on the calendar, according to a recent analysis conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Honda demonstrates new Vehicle-to-Pedestrian safety tech [w/video]

We're fresh from a balmy rooftop deck in downtown Detroit, where Honda held a meeting this week to discuss and demonstrate a few upcoming advanced safety features. A clear focus of the mini event was the company's new Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) technology, with a suite of Vehicle-to-Motorcycle (V2M) tech a significant second course.

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