65 Articles
How To Keep Your Car Shiny This Summer

Follow these five easy steps and your car will look like new

When the sun shines and it's warm outside, everybody wants to have a car with shiny, beautiful paint. Like everything else on your car, its paint job needs to be maintained if you want it to look the same way it did when it rolled off the assembly line. Fortunately, keeping your ride's coat sharp isn't particularly difficult or expensive. Follow these five simple steps.

Watch this Ferrari 288 GTO get a top-flight detailing job

Detailing was once the last thing we had any interest in doing, and if such a thing were possible we had even less interest in watching someone else detail some other car. We don't feel that way anymore, fascinated by the minutiae uncovered in while watching Todd Cooperider and Poli

High-end video of high-end detail job on high-end Ferrari

We have a thing for high-end detailing jobs. We're not talking about what the guy at your local drive-through car wash does for an extra $10. We're talking about the kind of detailing done by highly trained professionals that costs thousands of dollars and could take hundreds of hours to complete.

Detailer tries to clean up coffee stain... with spray paint?!

There are some incredibly gifted people out there who obsess over automotive detailing. No paint swirl is too small and no interior crevice is too tight for this dedicated set. Others, however, call themselves detailers, but deliver sub-standard work when compared with the real pros. The staff at North West Auto Salon came across a particularly egregious example of shoddy detailing whe

New owner welcomes Vauxhall VXR Astra with most comprehensive car wash ever

The arrival of a new car in your garage is a lot like returning home from your honeymoon. For the first month, you wash the car every other day to show off its hot body. A couple months go by and you're still washing it every weekend. After six months, you find the time for a wipe down once a month. After a year, though, you're happy when it rains and washes the salt off.

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