20 Articles
Trickle-down effect: GM Foundation slashes arts and cultural funding

With an artistic industry driven by business, as enterprise goes, so goes art -- so when a prime mover goes down, it takes prime art with it. The reduction in General Motor's fortunes also means that Detroit's cultural institutions can collectively expect to lose more than $1 million in annual funding. In 2007, GM's worldwide giving amounted to $31.4 million dollars, with Michigan institutions alone receiving $12 million of that.

Peak oil is the newest boogeyman in popular media

A culture's fears always finds its way into that culture's media. The best example is probably the allegories of McCarthyism in the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Peak Oil and climate change have seen their share of movie dramatizations, but Mad Max and The Day After Tomorrow were more cartoon-ish than terrifying.