42 Articles
Gov't rejects automaker restructuring plans, new deadlines set

President Obama has just finished his press conference on the government's determination of the viability of General Motors and Chrysler, and the gist is that both automakers have failed to convince the feds that their business plans deserve further investment. Obama and his task force will give GM enough working capital to survive another 60 days and prove its viability, though no d

The green side of Obama's auto industry speech

The short version of President Obama's speech today regarding the U.S. auto industry is this: there's only a little more time for GM and Chrysler to get their act together. First off, GM CEO Rick Wagoner got booted and was replaced by Fritz Henderson. Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm said Wagoner was a "sacrificial lamb" (it's still unclear why he was forced out while bank CEOs get to stay on, but that's another issue).

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