Check out this giant vending machine that carries actual cars

Misplace your car? No problem, just grab a new one from the vending machine

Insert coin. It's a car vending machine by Carvana. After purchasing a car online, customers have the option to ship the car directly to them or have it shipped to a nearby, several-story, all-glass vending machine, netting you an oversized Carvana coin.

Simply insert the coin, then wait for your car. Customers have seven days to test the vehicle, making sure it's perfect. The process is ideal for people who would rather avoid dealing with car salespeople. Each location has only a small staff to help maintain the building.

These types of car-buying experiences have been popular in Asian countries. Ford has partnered with e-retailer Alibaba to sell its vehicles in a giant vending machine in China. It's been designed to look like a cat.
Just don't lose that coin.

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