
Hyundai brings US troops to the Super Bowl, virtually

Hyundai waited until after the game ended to show off its most impressive Super Bowl commercial. Through the magic of technology, Hyundai brought troops from a US Military Base in Zagan, Poland, right into Houston to watch the game, along with their families. Hyundai reportedly bought the first three 30-second commercial spots after the game ended – and in this case, considering that this was the first Super Bowl in history to go into overtime, the Korean automaker certainly got its money worth.

In addition to Corporal Trista Strauch, Specialist Erik Guerrero and Sergeant Richard Morrill, and their families, the commercial featured ex-NFLers Joe Montana and Mike Singletary. We don't know exactly how Hyundai was able to pull it off in real time, but the end result was pretty impressive. To see how it all went down, check out the commercial above.

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