
Yacht Rocking the Podcast | Autoblog Podcast #500

Welcome to episode number 500. This week, Mike Austin and Erin Marquis interview JD Ryznar and Hunter Stair from the iconic web series Yacht Rock and the Beyond Yacht Rock Podcast, talking about the crossover between smooth music and ostentatious malaise-era automobiles. Plus, we find out that the 1984 Camaro Berlinetta featured a futuristic overhead console with handy reminder spools. Then we gave Hunter some EV buying advice. And of course we covered the Spend My Money segment, this time with Greg Migliore and Mike Austin verging dangerously close to rational, practical advice.

The rundown is below. Remember, if you have a car-related question you'd like us to answer or you want buying advice of your very own, send a message or a voice memo to podcast at autoblog dot com. (If you record audio of a question with your phone and get it to us, you could hear your very own voice on the podcast. Neat, right?). And if you're into music and music trivia, check out Yacht Rock on Twitter (@yachtrock) or follow JD (@jdrznar) and Hunter (@hunterstair).

Autoblog Podcast #500

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Intro - 00:00
  • Yacht Rock Interview - 01:01
  • Spend My Money - 38:00
Total Duration: 56:00

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