
Koenigsegg's FreeValve engine tech is finally working - in China

Okay, working might be too strong of a term. Qoros, a Chinese automaker, has an engineering development vehicle with a running version of its QamFree engine. QamFree is being developed in a joint venture with Koenigsegg's sister company FreeValve. Basically, it's an engine with fully variable valves and no cams (or qams, in the case of the Chinese version).

Qoros is showing the tech in a working car at the Guangzhou Auto Show. The company is calling it "the world's first drivable engineering development car with QamFree engine." It's not clear which of its products has been made drivable with the engine, but the company has previously shown the engine in a concept car, one based on its Qoros 3 hatchback – it's the one above with the see-through hood. Qoros is also using the show to unveil a 217-mile EV, also based on the Qoros 3, the Qoros 3 Q-LECTRIQ. (They really like Qs, but what's with that C in the middle?)

No, we don't get Qoros cars here. But there's still some excitement in the baby steps being made by Qoros and Koenigsegg together to get this very interesting technology into real cars.

If you want to learn more about all the neat stuff Christian von Koenigsegg is working on, watch our Translogic all about him and his company below.

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