
Guy Newmark's 1964 Porsche 356 finally hits 1,000,000 miles

A few years back, Guy Newmark and his 1964 Porsche 356 captured the automotive community's attention for having driven more than 980,000 miles. This year, he finally crossed the 1,000,000 mile mark, and Porsche was there to capture it. You can see it for yourself in the video above. In it, Newmark also reveals how he managed to drive so far; he drove everywhere, for every reason. His 356 isn't a weekend toy or garage queen, it's his daily driver.

Now of course a 52-year-old Porsche doesn't get to 1,000,000 miles without some special attention. Not only has Newmark never missed a 3,000 mile service, but he's also had the engine rebuilt three times, according to previous coverage. And that kind of dedication only comes from someone who loves their car very much. In the video, Newmark waxes about how it drives and how it looks. He also says he takes a look back at it every time he parks, even after all these years. If that's not a sign he has his perfect car, we don't know what would be.

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