
Driver too distracted by phone to notice cop trying to pull her over

Distracted driving is a menace anywhere people have access to cars and cell phones. Australians haven't missed out on the trend, and this video uploaded by Western Australia police to their Facebook page last Friday demonstrates just how bad the problem can get.

The video was shot by a motorcycle-mounted officer in Subiaco, Australia, reported . The officer looked into a Volkswagen that was holding up traffic at a green light and saw the driver had her head down, texting. The officer gave her a heads-up that the light was green. Without looking up, she hit the gas. The officer pursued her, but the driver didn't slow down, even when the officer turned on his lights and sirens. When he caught up to her again, she still had her nose in her phone. He had to shout into the car to get her attention.

"When are you going to stop for me?" the cop asked. The driver seemed shaken from a dream-like state at the question and she finally put her phone down. "That's why you don't use your mobile phone whilst you're driving."

The driver was fined 400 Australian dollars and was fined three demerit points off her license. Distracted driving isn't just a problem in America, where 660,000 drivers are distracted at any given time on the road, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety found in Queensland, Australia, that approximately 59 percent of drivers reported using their mobile phone while driving, with 31 percent of drivers reading, and 14 percent sending text messages while driving.

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