There are now over 500,000 plug-in vehicles in the US

Plug In America tracks the numbers.

Every electric vehicle counts. At least, it does to the people at Plug In America, who recently calculated the number of plug-in vehicles of any type that have been sold in the US. Turns out, during this sixth annual* National Drive Electric Week, we've hit a numerical milestone. Over 500,000 plug-in electric vehicles have been bought in the US so far. The daily tracker says that the current number is 502,093.

Obviously, most of these have been sold since 2010, but Plug In America, as many of you probably know, has been involved with electric vehicles since the EV1 days, which was back in the early '90s. PIA says that the "rapid growth" it's been tracking is helped by the fact that are "more than two dozen vehicles are now commercially available in the United States." Of course, many of those are only available in places like California, but progress is progress.

National Drive Electric Week continues this year until September 10-18 and includes events in around 200 cities and is organized by Plug in America, the Sierra Club, and the Electric Auto Association as well as local partners.

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