
This is how you go camping with a Ferrari F40 in the snow

If any of the Autoblog staff owned a Ferrari F40, we would drive it as much as possible anywhere we could. However, this clip from Red Bull shows an F40 owner who takes that idea to the extreme by taking the iconic supercar on a camping trip up a ski slope in Japan. The result is stupendous.

The driver straps his luggage to the roof, and the bank of lights on the front provides plenty of illumination when the sun goes down. Slide a surf rock cassette into the player (remember the F40 is a product of the late '80s), and it's time to hit the road. Once the snow becomes an issue, the guy puts chains on the tires, and he enjoys some beautiful drifts up the mountain.

Ferrari likely never imagined that someone would drive an F40 up a ski slope to go camping. However, this clip shows the supercar can do that just as well as clicking off fast lap times around a track. We love seeing an F40 showing its amazing performance no matter what the environment.

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