
Recharge Wrap-up: Uber eyes driverless cars, Carbon Engineering turns CO2 into fuel

3D printed Tesla Supercharger; emissions decouple from economy.

Carbon Engineering is a Canadian company that captures atmospheric CO2 to make a variety low-carbon fuels. Backed by private investors including Bill Gates and Murray Edwards, the company plans to capture carbon on an industrial scale and, instead of simply storing it underground, put it to good use. Carbon Engineering says that a carbon capture facility can do the same job as a forest of trees with 1/1000th the amount of land, which saves it from being diverted from agriculture. The company has a demonstration plant up and running in Squamish, British Columbia, removing about one ton of CO2 from the atmosphere per day. Learn more in the video above, or at Carbon Engineering's website.

Uber is looking to buy a large quantity of autonomous vehicles. An anonymous source tells Reuters that the ride-hailing service company is "shopping around" for self-driving cars. Eliminating many human drivers from its business model would save the company money. Automakers are wary about getting into business with Uber, though. "We don't want to end up like Nokia's handset business, which was once hugely profitable...then disappeared," says another source in the auto industry. Read more from Reuters.

You can 3D print your own mini Tesla Supercharger to charge your phone. Tesla fan Martin Hansen of Germany used his own photos to create a CAD model of the Supercharger to print his own for his desktop. Hansen is sharing his files for 3D printing the components. Read more at Teslarati.

Global carbon emissions have "decoupled" from the economy. According to the International Energy Agency, carbon emissions have remained flat for the second year in a row while the economy grew. This is the result of improved energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. This is good news for most of us, but bad news for politicians who base their policy on the idea that reducing carbon emissions hurts the economy. Read more at Gas2.

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