
Daimler CEO takes unusual swipe against VW over diesel scandal

Daimler isn't the first automaker or industry supplier to throw a jab at Volkswagen over the diesel emissions fiasco, it is the latest. The man with the mustache himself, CEO Dieter Zetsche, remarked to attendees at a reception in Berlin, Germany that he had no choice but to chastise his compatriots. Maintaining that such emissions subterfuge couldn't happen at his company, Zetsche said, "I am very confident that if anyone had this kind of idea with us, this person would very quickly find someone else who would say 'we don't want it like that, and we will not do it like that.'"

This isn't the first time Zetsche has taken aim at VW, either. At the Detroit Auto Show earlier this week, Zetsche said the scandal caused Mercedes diesel buyers to question the Stuttgart brand. After spending time explaining "what we do and what we don't do," he said, "there's clear differentiation and we feel the full confidence with our customer base and our stakeholders again." His comments join remarks from Suzuki, Peugeot, and Elon Musk, among others. Daimler has said it will maintain its commitment to diesel technology, one of the many brands that will employ it as a way to meet fuel economy regulations.

Although VW global sales held up well, all things considered, the scandal is still strong enough to punish any automaker or supplier touched by it. When Renault reported this week that fraud investigators visited three of its corporate sites during an emissions investigation, the French carmaker watched 5.4 billion in market valuation get wiped out before its stock rebounded to close slightly down.

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