
This time, we're going to see VW diesel emissions test data

No Timeframe Set For When Testing, Results Disclosure Will Happen

Volkwagen's emissions testing for its diesel engines may be getting quite a bit more transparent pretty soon in its home country of Germany. German regulators will start reviewing emissions data for diesel vehicles and will make the data available to the public, Reuters says, citing German publication Die Welt's interview with German Transport Minister Alexander Dobridndt. No word on when these tests will take place or when their results will be published.

These data disclosure may help erase the stain of a scandal that kicked off in September when it was discovered that as many as 11 million VW diesels contained software programmed to create artificially low emissions levels. Earlier this month, Germany made it official that the software qualified as a "defeat device" and that it was, in fact, illegal.

That said, Volkwagen's legal situation remains unsettled throughout much of the world. Earlier this month, VW essentially blamed the scandal on its efforts to boost diesel-vehicle demand in the US. In the aftermath of the issue being made public, VW suspended nine company managers that may have been involved in orchestrating the situation.

And while there's a plan in place to fix the issue in VW diesels sold in Europe, there isn't one for those cars in the US. Either way, VW has set aside $7.4 billion to account for the diesel-vehicle recalls, fixes and other issues stemming from the scandal. Today, 45 Silicon Valley and environmental leaders issued an open letter suggesting VW should just give up on fixing the cars and instead look to the future with more EVs.

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