
Criminal slices through Porsche's roof just to break in

Porsche fans, look away. This footage of a thief in London slicing his way into a classic 911 might be too much for lovers of the sports car to bear. Police released CCTV footage of the September break-in in the hopes of scaring up information that could lead to an arrest, the Daily Mail reported.

The man pulled off his brazen daylight crime spree in the posh neighborhood of Mayfair in central London. It started when he tired to steal an older, red Porsche 911. Unable to pick the lock, he sliced through the roof with a large knife and hopped inside through the hole. Several people simply walked past the Porsche, now blaring its alarm in distress with its roof in tatters. The man then jumped out the same way he entered when he couldn't hotwire the car. To add insult to injury, the man used the large rear spoiler as a springboard to the street.

It seems this suspect had brand loyalty. Witness told police they saw a man fitting the same description attempting to steal a £80,000 Cayenne nearby only 20 minutes later. He also threatened onlookers with a large knife. Unable to nab either Porsche, he robbed a nearby sportswear store, taking running shoes and a tracksuit. When the staff tried to stop the thief he also threatened them with a knife. Despite the multiple witness and video evidence, there are still no leads in the case. Police are asking anyone with information to come forward.

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