
Autoblog Minute: Trump blasts Ford in visit to Michigan

GOP Frontrunner Takes Issue With Ford's Outsourcing Practices

Donald Trump takes a shot at Ford's outsourcing practices in his most recent visit to Michigan. Autoblog's Mylencia Gillenwaters reports on this edition of Autoblog Minute.
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[00:00:00] Donald Trump takes a shot at Ford's outsourcing practices in his most recent visit to Michigan. I'm Mylencia Gillenwaters and this is your Autoblog Minute.

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump visited Birch Run, Michigan for a rally, and amidst talk of immigration and international trade, the GOP front runner discussed Ford's plan to build a manufacturing plant in Mexico:

[00:00:30] [WXYZ NEWS CLIP]

Autoblog reached out to Ford for comment. The Dearborn-based automaker offered this statement in response:

"We are committed to leveraging our global manufacturing footprint and will continue to invest where it makes the best sense for our business. We are proud that we have invested $6.2 billion in our U.S. plants since 2011 and hired nearly 25,000 U.S. employees.

[00:01:00] Overall, 80 percent of our North American investment annually is in the U.S., and 97 percent of our North American engineering is conducted in the U.S."

As automakers compete in an increasingly global marketplace, debate around outsourcing is sure to remain a hot political topic. For Autoblog, I'm Mylencia Gillenwaters.

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