
German judge 'inclined to dismiss' hedge fund lawsuit against Porsche

Last year, around two dozen investors, including hedge funds, leveled a 1.4 billion euro ($1.95 billion at the time) lawsuit against Porsche in connection with the automaker's attempted takeover of Volkswagen in 2008. The Stuttgart Regional Court dismissed the case. Around 19 of those plaintiffs are heading back to court to appeal the ruling and still hope to get 1.2 billion euros ($1.4 billion). However, according to one German judge, the chances for success aren't any better this time around.

"On balance it's our view that we consider the lawsuit, or the appeal, to be unpromising for several reasons," Gerhard Ruf, a judge in Stuttgart, said to Reuters. "We are inclined to dismiss the case." The court's ruling on the appeal will be announced on March 26.

The investors' case hinges on Porsche's strategy surrounding the botched takeover. The sports car maker said that it wasn't trying to control VW, when in fact it was. These hedge funds had bet against Volkswagen stock, but the share price surged when Porsche's plan inevitably came to light.

Investors have sued the sports car company multiple times since then in attempts to recoup billions of dollars. However, none of the lawsuits have been successful, whether attempted in the US or Germany. Former Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking and and CFO Holger Haerter might still stand trial for the alleged stock manipulation, though.

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