
Guns will soon top cars as the leading killer of Americans under 25

Which do you think is responsible for killing more Americans under the age of 25: guns or cars? If you answered cars, you're right – but you won't be for long.

Citing the latest statistics from the federal government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Center for American Progress (a liberal think-tank based in DC), The Economist reports that firearms will soon surpass automobiles as "the leading killer of under 25s."

According to the report, the vast majority of gun deaths in America don't come from premeditated assault, but from suicides, accidents and domestic violence. Because guns tend to last longer than cars, however, and because cars are getting safer all the time, deaths from the former are reportedly increasing, while deaths from the latter are decreasing.

According to Bloomberg, however, you don't even need to look to a specific age group to draw the same conclusion: firearms will soon be responsible for killing more Americans, regardless of their age, than automobiles.

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