Teen Who Stole Guy Fieri's Lamborghini Receives Life Sentence

Drive by shooting lead police to the stolen super car


A California man received a life sentence with possibility of parole Thursday for attempted murder and the theft of celebrity chef Guy Fieri's Lamborghini.

Max Wade was only 16 when he stole the $200,000 super car owned by Fieri, the Food Network star. In a carefully planned heist inspired by too many secret-agent movies, Wade repelled from the rooftop window of a San Francisco garage and stole the Lambo on March 8, 2011, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.

Later, the newspaper says, Wade texted a friend that "it doesn't get any better than boosting a lambo and picking up chicks at 17." Among them was Eva Dedier, 18.

After Wade flirted with her, Dedier told him she was seeing another man, Landon Wahlstrom. On April 13, 2012, Wade fired five shots into Wahlstrom's pickup truck as the couple occupied the vehicle. Wade was tried as an adult and convicted on Oct. 30, 2013. In addition to the life sentence, the judge added 21 years and four months for the premeditated use of a firearm. Wade will be eligible for parole in no less than 17 years.

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