
McLaren MP4-12C totalled during Goldrush Rally

Every year in the Goldrush Rally, a convoy of high-end luxury cars snake across the States, their occupants enjoying all the opulence their $14,000 entry fees can afford. As our own Michael Harley can attest, it's a low-speed affair, not an all-out speed-fest.

As the rally passed through Texas headed through Dallas on Thursday, Hsinho Chen of Massachusetts, driving a McLaren MP4-12C Spider, says he swerved into the highway median to avoid a truck that had pulled in front of him. After slamming the $268,000-car into a ditch, Chen and his passenger went beneath a fence and then took flight before crashing into a metal storage building.

The couple weren't injured, but their high-powered, low-production supercar won't be rallying again anytime soon. While there is no indication the car was exceeding the speed limit, Chen was ticketed for reckless driving. But that's not the worst of his problems. The McLaren was a $2,900-a-day rental from Black & White Car Rental in Los Angeles. B&W didn't respond to our email, but unless Mr. Chen is one of the company's owners, we're betting he doesn't get his deposit back. Watch video of KLTV's coverage below.

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