
Peugeot's legendary Climb Dance remastered in high-definition glory

Climb Dance, the rally-porn film celebrating the Pikes Peak Hill Climb victories of Ari Vatanen in 1988 and Robby Unser in 1989 - and including footage from both drives - has been remastered in high definition. It was commissioned by Peugeot, maker of the four-wheel steering 415 T16 Grand Raid, the racecar that took both drivers to the top to overall victories.

Peugeot will be hoping that Sébastien Loeb can dance the same way next month when he runs up the now-paved mountain in his 208. You'll find the breathtaking remastered Climb Dance below, as well as tribute the Motor Trend made with Marcus Gronholm in a Ford Fiesta back in 2009. Enjoy.

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