
How not to put venison on the grille: Corvette Z06 hits deer at HyperFest

HyperFest, an annual event at the Summit Point Motorsports Park in West Virginia, is day seemingly packed with just about everything you can do in a car or watch a car do, from road racing to drifting, off-roading and karting, as well as Hot Import Nights, a Rice-Rice Challenge and a rollover contest. And that's not even the half of it.

During one portion, James Greenwood was working his Chevrolet Corvette Z06 around the Summit Point circuit, heading down the start/finish straight at full bore. As he got near the braking zone for Turn One, a deer doubled back onto the track and quickly, sadly, discovered it was too late for either man or beast to take avoiding action.

Then, as if remodeling your car with a deer wasn't depressing enough, Greenwood said "the HyperFest emcee told ten thousand Hillbillians that I was responsible for the thirty minute Daisy Duke delay." Scroll down to see the incident in real time and slo-mo. Warning: the driver was all right, the deer was not, and while the impact isn't gory, it's not exactly, um, pleasant.

Even though Greenwood probably didn't have a snowball's chance of avoiding the impact, the video serves as a powerful reminder that whether you're on a closed course or on public roads, it's important to be vigilant about watching for local fauna, day or night.

Chevrolet Corvette Information

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