Ferrari releases F12 Berlinetta microsite with configurator

Let's face it. This is probably the closest you're ever going to get. Unless you count yourself among a rarified percentage of the world's one percenters, chances are you'll never get the chance to park a new Ferrari in your garage, let alone this one, the just-introduced F12 Berlinetta. So why not take a virtual spin in the 740-horsepower, V12 grand tourer on Ferrari's website?

The Italian dreamweavers have just activated a new microsite for the F12, and in typically (and appropriately) indulgent Ferrari fashion, it opens with a lengthy video presentation of Chairman Luca di Montezemolo inviting you to experience the company's new car.

The configurator will eventually load, though, and you can twiddle with exterior paint colors, wheels, brake caliper finishes and interior trims to your heart's content. The website also features a number of special features, including sound files, technical notes and so on.

With the most horsepower and highest top speed of any production Ferrari ever, we're guessing Montezemo and Co. already have a rather hefty list of deposits down for the F12 Berlinetta. Thus, if you have the means and you're still on the fence, you might want to get on the phone to your local Ferrari dealer... before waiting for the whole website to load.

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