
Saturday Night Live mocks Chrysler's Clint Eastwood Super Bowl ad

It was only a matter of time before someone took a crack at parodying the most recent Super Bowl commercial from Chrysler. Saturday Night Live has stepped up to the plate with a new skit featuring none other than Bill Hader in Clint Eastwood's shoes and scowl. The spot pokes fun at the unintentionally political ad, with Hader scowling his way through a third-quarter speech. We won't ruin the ending for you, but we will say the skit features the phrase "tiny little chicken legs." Comedy gold.

Chrysler came under fire shortly after the company's game-day spot aired. The commercial featured Clint Eastwood drawing parallels between the fall and resurrection of Detroit and the rest of America. Critics complained the spot was a thinly veiled argument for a second term for the Obama Administration. Eastwood, a republican who was vocally against the auto bailout, quickly denied those claims. Hit the jump for both the SNL skit and the original ad.

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