
Chrysler abandons plan seeking more federal loans

The Detroit News reports Chrysler is walking away from the company's pursuit of low-interest Department of Energy loans. The automaker originally applied for an $8.55 billion loan when it was still under Cerberus Capital Management, though the figure had since shrunk to $3.5 billion. The DOE, meanwhile, said it was considering a much smaller $2 billion loan with additional restrictions than were previously negotiated. The loan period would also be significantly shorter. Chrysler had sought the funds as a way to reduce the company's interest payments, which would have dropped by nearly 5 percentage points had the deal gone through.

Instead, Chrysler will use its own funds for capital improvements. The report says the company has nearly $11 billion in liquidity, though that figure includes $1.3 billion in an undrawn private loan.

Chrysler isn't the only automaker to walk away from DOE loans. General Motors pulled its application for a $14.4 billion loan last January. The funds would have gone toward retooling. The DOE and the Obama Administration have been hesitant to hand out more government money after the solar panel company Solyndra LLC received around $528 million loans before going bankrupt.

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