
Two UAW officials sentenced to prison for strike-related extortion

Danny Douglas and Jay Campbell, have been sentenced to 18 months and 12 months plus one day, respectively, after being convicted of extortion. It seems the two former United Auto Workers officials agreed to end an 87-day strike at a GM plant in Pontiac, MI back in 1997 – but only after General Motors agreed to hire Campbell's son and the son of another UAW official for high-paying jobs they were evidently not qualified for.

It's been a rather long and winding road for Douglas and Campbell. According to the Detroit Free Press, the case first went to trial in 2002, and in 2003, the charges were dismissed by U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds. Shortly thereafter, a trio of judges from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that decision and reinstated the charges.

The maximum penalty allowed for the pair of law breakers – both are now 70 years old – was up to 30 years in prison and fines of $750,000. Judge Edmunds, however, sentenced them much less strictly, with six months of house arrest and two years of probation. Both Douglas and Campbell appealed the ruling, and the case went back to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

That was apparently a bad move on their part. Their convictions were upheld and the Sixth Circuit actually sent the case back to Judge Edmunds, ruling that her sentences were too lenient. So now, it's off to prison for Douglas and Campbell.

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