World Report 10/28: Augmented Reality Navigation And More

Welcome to TRANSLOGIC World Report: Your weekly roundup of transportation tech news from around the web.

An augmented reality heads-up display technology called True3D took top honors at the European Satellite Navigation Competition in Munich, Germany. The AR HUD was developed by MVS California for their Virtual Cable navigation system, which uses a volumetric display to project a path onto a car's windshield that indicates the driver's route. The laser-projection mimics curves in the road in realtime, providing a sense of depth to ensure that the driver won't miss their turn.

It may sound complicated, but the result is a safer, more intuitive navigation experience. You can find a video demo on


After years of production and testing delays, the much anticipated Boeing 787 'Dreamliner' finally completed its first commercial flight on Wednesday, traveling from Tokyo to Hong Kong. The jet is notable for its use of lightweight composite materials and fuel-efficient turbofan engines, as well as a newly designed interior.

[AP via NPR]

Not only can this Japanese-developed flying sphere hover and move freely in any direction through the air, it can travel along land by rolling like a ball.


And, of course, be sure to catch this week's episode of TRANSLOGIC before it goes away and hides in our episode archive.

Click the image below to watch TRANSLOGIC 76: Elon Musk Interview, SpaceX:

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