House to probe 54.5 mpg rule; public will have input

If you thought the new fuel economy standards that are designed to bring average mileage up to 54.5 mpg by 2025 were a done deal, think again.
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has announced that he wants to investigate how the rules were written, stating that forcing auto makers to create vehicles that can meet the mileage requirements could compromise safety. Issa has demanded to see all emails between the White House and automakers as well as internal documents. Issa has also demanded emails from the California Air Resources Board during their deliberations for state rules.

So far, White House officials have punted Issa's requests to the EPA, though White House Council Kathryn Ruemmler has informed Issa that the rulemaking process will follow the traditional process and that there will be opportunities for public comment.

Congressman Issa has also demanded that Ford provide documentation of the reason it stopped running its anti-bailout ad, out of suspicion that government pressure was involved.

In January, Rep Issa came under fire for circulating a letter to over 150 industry lobbyists, asking them to name regulations that they wanted to repeal, including safety regulations. He also asked for federal funding for Aptera.

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