U-Haul SuperGraphics spotters guide

Moving is invariably an insufferable experience. Packing all of your worldly belongings into flimsy cardboard boxes, loading them up into a truck with the help of everyone who you could con into coming by, ferrying the possessions across town, across the state or around the country, and then reversing the whole process is a downright miserable plight. The good people at U-Haul decided to add some levity to the endeavor a few years ago by adding colorful location-themed graphics packages to their rental box trucks. As a result, each of the vehicles has its own personality – just what you need when spending 10 hours in the cab of a tired behemoth.

Now U-Haul has rolled out a spotters guide for its company's SuperGraphics. Customers can peruse the packages by state or Canadian province under four categories; Modern, Classic, Trailer and Commemorative. You can check out the full list along with the stories behind each image by cruising over to U-Haul's website. Be warned, however. Clicking through the various SuperGraphics is a surprisingly good way to lose 30 minutes in a heartbeat.

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