Plug In America talks electric vehicles with the Air Force

Plug In America's Kate Baker interviewed Lt. Col. Brian Rusler and veteran Tim Goodrich of the United States Air Force regarding the military branch's green energy plans. The Air Force has been employing electric vehicles as early as 1997 with the use of electric golf carts for personnel transport within the bases. Currently, they are one of the largest consumers of green energy in the country, accounting for 50% of the federal government's green energy purchases. In the podcast, Rusler mentions that one of the Air Force's goals is to significantly increase the use of renewable energy in each base by 2015 through solar, wind, and geothermal means.
Tim Goodrich, a veteran with three deployments to the Middle East under his belt, is urging the public to adopt EVs as their mode of transportation in order to help protect not only our environment, but national security as well. Goodrich says that $83 billion alone is spent on protecting oil transit routes. He makes a good argument for why we shouldn't be sending so much of our "$250 billion addiction to oil" overseas. Instead, if we spent that money here on electricity (by driving EVs) we'll get a much better return on our investment in the way of job creation. The first podcast with Rusler is available here, and the second with Goodrich can be heard here.

[Source: Plug In America]

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