Video: Chip Yates sets electric motorcycle record at Pikes Peak

Chip Yates crosses finish at Pikes Peak – Click above to watch video after the jump

This past weekend, Chip Yates checked off "make an amazing run up Pikes Peak" from his list of things to do to demonstrate the potential of electric-powered transportation. Coming second in the Exhibition Powersport class, his time of 12:50.094 bests the first-ever electric motorcycle effort made last year by over four minutes.

The run would no doubt have been more impressive had it not been for the 2.6-mile stretch of unpaved road. The bike went from hanging with the top ten to dropping just inside the top 100 on the dirt section. Overall, Yates finished in 30th place.

One thing is for sure, the 240-horsepower bike has crazy acceleration when it has clean pavement beneath it, and Chip says he's gunning for a top 10 or better result when he gives it a go on next year's completely paved surface. Hit the jump for the full run and enjoy the sound of the UQM motor's sweet electric music winding out up the mountain. Thanks to all for the tips!

[Source: Chip Yates via YouTube]

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