Video: Electric e-Wolf Alpha-1 SRF hits the track

e-Wolf Alpha-1 SRF – Click above to watch video after the jump

A small German firm called e-Wolf has been developing some impressive electric vehicles for years. There's the e1, e2, Alpha-2, Alpha-R and then the focus of this video-filled post: the e-Wolf Alpha-1 SRF.

The Alpha-1 SRF, a stripped-down electric race machine, is a track-only monster. Powering this beast are two electric motors that crank out a combined 280 kW (380.7 horsepower). Them motors are fed by a massive 41.5 kWh lithium-ion battery pack that weighs in at 770 pounds. The Alpha 1 hits 60 miles per hour in less than four seconds and tops out at 144 mph. With a sticker price of $306,000, the Alpha-1 costs 9.5 times as much as the more practical Nissan Leaf (you're welcome for the math there, since we know you were cross-shopping these two vehicles).

We'll venture out on a limb here and make a no-money guarantee that the Alpha-1 is an absolute thrill to drive. Wanna see how we know? Just hit the jump.

[Source: You Tube via All Cars Electric]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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