Report: Cities in UK may ban heavily polluting vehicles

Back in June of 2010, the picturesque city of London recorded its 36th "bad air" day of the year. That was a problem since European Union (EU) guidelines allow just 35 "bad air" days a year, so reaching that unfortunate level by the sixth month of 2010 meant that London was in violation of the law.

It's not just London though. According to the Guardian, most major cities in the UK are in violation of EU air quality guidelines and that means that the government may have to ask local authorities to enforce a ban on "heavily polluting" vehicles in most cities across the UK.

You see, the EU has the power to impose an unlimited lump sum and daily fines on cities that fail to meet air quality standards, which could mean that the UK will have to take drastic measures to avoid paying the fees. One proposed idea is to essentially ban semi trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles from entering city limits, disrupting goods deliveries. At least, until an alternative solution is discovered, like using some of those all-electric trucks.

[Source: | Image: Iain Buchanan – C.C. License 2.0]

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