Video: Check out Barcelona's electric motorcycle, scooter charging infrastructure

Charging stations in Barcelona, Spain – Click above to watch video after the jump

Motorcycles and scooters, on average, don't burn a lot of fuel to move alone, but, according to Fair Companies, the two-wheelers are up to ten times dirtier than today's cleanest batch of gas-fueled automobiles. So, to reduce emissions in a city like Barcelona, Spain, switching out the 280,000 gas-burning motorcycles and scooters for electric two-wheelers would seem to be an effective starting point.

Apparently, that's what Mobecpoint – the company behind Barcelona's push to install motorcycle/scooter charging stations – seems to think. Mobecpoint's stations aren't simply a collection of sockets. Rather, the stations are unique in that they can charge up to six plug-in vehicles simultaneously.

Hit the jump to catch video Mobecpoint's general director, Jordi Ventura, as he rides his electric Vectrix and demonstrates Barcelona's motorcycle/scooter chargers.

[Source: Fair Companies]

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