
Dodge gets in on the flashmob-as-advertisement thing in San Diego

Dodge goes the flash mob route in San Diego – Click above to watch video after the jump

The concept of a flash mob sounds like such an event could potentially be terribly annoying. In practice (and as anyone who watches Modern Family would know...), though, these flash mobs often wind up being rather entertaining. Everyone involved looks to be enjoying themselves, and the crowd gets a free show.

Naturally, every now and then, a corporation will grab onto any new trend that has the chance to go viral, and catching a flash mob on video sounds like a good place to start.

Dodge decided to get into the improv mob game, and a full scale dance session broke out at San Diego's Rock & Roll Marathon. The mobsters wore Dodge t-shirts, while a new Charger and Durango lurk quietly in the parking lot behind them. How'd it all shake it out? Click past the jump for the video. Let it rock, Dodge Boys.

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