
UAW boss King preaches collaboration, non-adversarial spirit

Bob King, President of the United Auto Workers, says his organization is set to take a different tone with the management of domestic automakers in the future. While speaking at the Detroit Regional Chamber's Mackinac Policy conference, King said that the new UAW doesn't view automaker management as an adversary, but as a partner. That's particularly curious considering that King recently called Ford CEO Alan Mulally's salary "morally wrong."

At the same time, the union leader made it clear that he believes workers should be rewarded for the concessions that they made during the restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler. As you may recall, those included pay cuts and the acceptance of a two-tier wage system that pays new workers half that of senior individuals.

According to Bloomberg, King also made it clear that the UAW is committed to seeing its automakers succeed. That's no real surprise given that the union has been vying for seats on the boards of all three domestic automakers.

Our best guess is that King's remarks are the latest in a campaign to show the UAW to be a force that automakers with American manufacturing facilities should welcome into their plants. Head over to Bloomberg to read the full account of the UAW president's comments.

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