Moto Mundo's electric Nissan Qashqai completes 10-month, 18,641-mile trek around the world

Back in January, the Moto Mundo duo – Nina Rasmussen and Hjalte Tin – stopped by the Detroit Auto Show to share their tale of driving from Europe to China and then across the U.S. before heading back to Europe to complete the last leg of their ten-month trek in an electric vehicle. The Danish writers and adventurers took a converted electric Nissan Qashqai on this epic, 18,641-mile journey. On May 7, 2011, Nina and Hjalte returned to Copenhagen, Denmark, to complete their world tour.

After leaving Copenhagen on June 25, 2010, the duo drove through Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Mongolia, China, the U.S., Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland and Holland.

The expedition was a real test of durability and reliability, as no support vehicles followed along. This meant that Nina and Hjalte tackled most repairs by themselves.

As expected, finding places to charge the electric Nissan sometimes proved to be challenge. The duo's pictures show many instances of generous people in Russia and China giving them free electricity. When this wasn't available, they sometimes strung extension cords out of hotel windows or plugged in at campgrounds to recharge the vehicles.

The expedition encountered extreme heat in Russia and a brutal winter in the U.S. Along the way, Nina and Hjalte became the first to cross the Gobi Desert in Asia in an electric vehicle.

Nina and Hjalte will continue to use their converted Nissan Qashqai to promote electric mobility in rallies and on a lecture tour. The duo is currently writing a book and hopes to air a TV episode to highlight the tour.

[Source: Moto Mundo]
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The world tour was completed on May 7, 2011 when Nina Rasmussen and Hjalte Tin returned to Copenhagen and became the first to drive a full-size, production electric car round the world. The expedition left Copenhagen June 25, 2010. The Danish Minister of Climate and Energy drove the first kilometers and welcomed Nina and Hjalte back to Copenhagen 10 months later. Nina and Hjalte has done 30.000 km in 10 months and crossed Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Mongolia, China, USA, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland and Holland.

Nina and Hjalte are well-known travelers and writers in Denmark with more than 15 books published about their journeys to most parts of the world. Electric cars are something they try for the first time.

Hjalte says: "We do this to promote green mobility. The world needs to make the leap beyond oil. Electric cars will be important everywhere to help stop climate change."

Nina ads: "To be the first to drive an electric car round the world was a great adventure. Everywhere we met people caring for the future of our planet and they were enthusiastic about electric cars. They have heard about them, but not seen one in real life. The curiosity was endless."

The expedition was a real test. No support car took care of problems or carried spare-parts. Finding places to charge the car proved to be a big challenge. Workshops, hotels, camp-grounds and homes all over the world have helped the Moto Mundo Electric World Tour with power.

The expedition encountered extreme heat in Russia and the coldest winter in USA. Nina and Hjalte are the first to cross the Gobi desert in an electric vehicle. En route they completed the Monte Carlo Rally for electric cars and exhibited the car at the Shanghai 2010 EXPO world exhibition and in Detroit at the largest motor-show in USA.

After finishing their world tour Nina and Hjalte will continue to use their "Green Car" to promote electric mobility in rallies and on a lecturing tour. They are writing a book and planning a TV-production about the world tour.

Nina and Hjalte drove a Qashqai Electric from Danish AfutureEV. The 5 seat car has a 60 KW motor from AfutureEV and a 200 km range. Weight 1600 kg, top speed 130 km/h. 40 KW/h Ion-lithium batteries from Dow-Kokam, 2 chargers from Brusa, DC-AC inverter from Mes-Dea and BMS from Reap. 90% charging in @ 6 hours at 6KW.

Sponsors include the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy, Afuture electric vehicles, Continental tires, Thrane&Thrane communication equipment, Inmarsat satellite air-time, Vikingegaarden GPS-tracking, Hummel clothes and GreenPark of Rotterdam.

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