
GM workers suing company, union over pay

28 workers at the Lordstown, Ohio Chevrolet plant are suing General Motors and the UAW after they claim they were wrongfully classified as temporary employees. According to the workers' complaint, they were paid 40 percent less than their permanent counterparts. The suit also accuses UAW Local 1112 of ignoring their complaints and refusing to go to bat for them.

The workers were hired in 2006, layed off in 2007, and brought back on six months later. When they were rehired, they say they were briefly payed the correct amount, but were wrongfully reclassified as temporary in June of 2008.

For their trouble, the workers are looking for between $3-4 million in back pay, at the rate they say should have been theirs all along. General Motors is keeping its lips buttoned on the suit, but UAW Local 1112 says it is not at fault.

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