
Exactly what you expect to happen in a movie theater parking lot at premier of Fast Five [NSFW]

Chevrolet Tahoe SS at the Fast Five movie premiere - Click above to watch video after the jump

Books are made for reading, boots are made for walking and tires are meticulously engineered for burnouts. As you may or may not be aware, the latest chapter in the Fast and the Furious saga was released this weekend to the rejoicing of testosterone-soaked teenage crowds everywhere. Nowhere was Fast Five more celebrated than in Detroit, as after the final credits rolled, the movie-going masses retired to the parking lot for an impromptu burnout competition.

If you listen very, very closely, you can hear the cries of a million environmentalists.

Nearly everyone got in on the fun, from full-size diesel pickups to front-wheel-drive Chevrolet Malibu models and beater Nissan 240SX projects. Some of the more impressive smoke came courtesy of a Mitsubishi Evolution that retired to a far flung corner of the cinema parking lot to wring out some all-wheel-drive pirouettes. The fun seems to have lasted a good long time before the local PD showed up to put a stop to the party. Miraculously, very little sheetmetal was wrinkled in the smoke.

Hit the jump to see all of the shaky-hand-cam action for yourself, though be warned, some foul language may lurk between tire shrieks.

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