Video: BMW Classic presents A Perfect Match

"A Perfect Match" – Click above to view full movie after the jump

"A Perfect Match" follows the story of Jack, a Los Angeles resident with a passion for his BMW 1602 and a desperate need for air conditioning. Though the oppressive heat of the L.A. summer has Jack sweating, he can't trade his beloved '02 on anything as stale as a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.

The resolution to Jack's burning dilemma would warm the cockles of even the coolest car nut's heart, but we won't spoil the show for you. "A Perfect Match" debuted at the Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards at the end of 2010, where it earned BMW Classic a Golden Dolphin award in the Corporate Films category. Check out the story of Jack and his 1602 after the jump.

[Source: BMW Classic via YouTube]

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