Report: Hyundai taps ex-GM exec Shannon for top marketing post

It took seven months to find the right candidate, but it appears Hyundai has found their new marketing boss. Automotive News is reporting that the Korean automaker has hired former General Motors marketing exec Steve Shannon to run its U.S. operations. Shannon had been away from GM since March, 2010 when he was cut as part of a larger marketing shakeup lead by former CEO Ed Whitacre. Shannon's last role at GM was head of Cadillac marketing.
Hyundai's move to hire an ex-GM guy comes after The General hired away two of the automaker's best and brightest. Former Hyundai marketing boss Joel Ewanick now heads GM's marketing department. Ewanick then hired away Chris Perry from Hyundai to run marketing for Chevrolet.

Hyundai U.S.A. CEO John Krafcik appears plenty pleased with his new hire, calling Shannon a "marketing innovator with strong convictions about serving the customer."

[Source: Automotive News – sub. req.]

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