Elon Musk's ex-wife Justine on "Divorce Wars"


Divorce Wars trailer – Click above to watch video after the jump

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, has talked publicly about his 2008 divorce before, but even he might be surprised that CNBC's brand-new show Divorce Wars is turning his personal story into a reality show (well, an episode, anyway). The show, which premiers tonight, includes information on things like divorce insurance and divorce funding (no, we're not kidding) while dissecting the break-up stories of the rich and famous.

Musk is not your typical auto executive, and his marriage to Justine did not end with a typical divorce. In fact, Marie Claire called it "America's messiest divorce," and that's what CNBC will air tonight, focusing in part on a challenge Justine issued to a post-nuptial agreement signed six weeks after their wedding day that kept their property separate. Justine, a novelist, is using looking for $6 million in cash and stock. Oh, and a Tesla Roadster.

So far, the courts have rules in Elon's favor, but with five children involved, we just don't see the point of putting this on TV. If you disagree, you can check out an ad for the show featuring Justine after the jump.

[Source: HuffPo, CNBC]

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