Video: 84-year-old survives five days in AZ desert by drinking wiper fluid

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There are a few different ways to earn membership into the badass old man club. Anyone who survived a World War is automatically on the list, and if you've wrestled a bear or a silverback gorilla you're definitely club-worthy. Oh, and if you are 84 and you survive in the Arizona desert for five days by drinking wiper fluid, you are absolutely in the club.

The New York Daily News reports that Henry Morello took a wrong turn while driving in the Arizona desert, and his mistake became five days in the desert after his SUV got stuck. The senior citizen used his smarts, some floor mats and some strained wiper fluid to stay alive. Mr. Morello, welcome to the club. Hit the jump to view the AP report.

[Source: Associated Press via New York Daily News]

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