The people of Detroit want a RoboCop statue [w/poll]

What do you think Detroit is best known for? Cars? Motown music? Or RoboCop? A growing grassroots movement is insisting the latter, as support grows for erecting a statue in honor of the 80's cult movie icon.

Supporters have reportedly taken to Facebook and Twitter to drum up support for the potential landmark, but have received little support in return. According to reports, Detroit Mayor Dave Bing is against the idea. And little wonder: the futuristic vision of Detroit, where the RoboCop movies are set, is hardly complimentary, depicting a crime-ridden metropolis run by corrupt officials and a privatized security force.

As The Detroit News points out, a similar initiative to honor Motown's greatest in Detroit with another statue never materialized, although the effort is not without precendent: just one state over, a statue of the Fonz from Happy Days was erected in 2008, much to everyone's "ayyyy!"

So... do you think Detroit should get a RoboCop statue? Place your vote in our online poll:

[Source: The Detroit News]

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